This policy (together with any additional documents referred to in it) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you or that you provide to us will be processed.

Please read the following carefully to understand how we handle your personal data.

who are we

AUTOMATION WEB PLATFORM LTD is a company registered in the UK (company number 14714575). Our registered address is AUTOMATION WEB PLATFORM LTD, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ.

We provide marketing services using WhatsApp, under the name WAWP, which is an acronym for Whatsapp Automation web platform

WAWP may be a data controller and data processor of Personal Data. We have a designated Data Protection Officer who can be contacted at our registered address.

WAWP takes data protection and people’s privacy very seriously and we are committed to continuing to comply with data protection laws under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Edit Date: DES 2022



Our Data Processing Terms align with GDPR requirements governing contracts between data controllers and data processors.

In addition, this is how WAWP ensure all communications facilitated by WhatsApp API Getaway is compliant with GDPR:

Measure Description
No access to user’s phone book Differently from the consumer WhatsApp app, the WAWP does NOT include access to the user’s phone book.
End-to-end encryption WhatsApp messages are encrypted from WAWP to the device and secured over HTTPS from your application to WAWP.
Data protection Media and messages are only stored for delivery and are deleted after 7/30 days, respectively.
Data processing The content sent from enterprises to WAWP is secure and within the EU (datacenter in Germany). The transmission of data between the involved networks is done via HTTPS.
Additional security measures by tyntec Multiple security transmission options like VPN or TLS, regular penetration tests, automated vulnerability scans, and more.
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